Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Okay guys.
Its Time for us to get off our lazy asses and actually do something.
(not so much off our asses but) go to the link posted here and VOTE FOR KYLE. He seems to be the only one showing his outrage!
I know were all typically not involved in politics or anything too important. We All Like To Party Instead.
We'll this law. Fucks With Our Partying.
Every young party goer needs to do their part to stop this atrocity from actually going through.
IF the mayor of sydney gets her way, we will all be booted out of CLUBS at 12AM. The young people (and old if your still keen) Need to band together and show their outrage.

Say goodbye to the nightlife in Sydney!.. 
Any person working as a BAR STAFF, MANAGER, DJ, EVENT RUNNER will all but lose their jobs.
This is the most insane thing to happen to Sydney since... well, ever. its completely unprecedented and everyone needs to do their bit and stand up and stop anything like this from even attempting to happen again.


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